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Great entry to the jam and very on theme. The zoom transitions were seamless, I can't imagine what's under the hood to make this work.


Thank you! If you're interested, I've wrote a post mortem where I outline the tech we used:

Technically, the source code is also public, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend trying to figure out what's happening there if you want to keep your sanity :D


I'm looking forward to this so much but it isn't loading. Using Firefox. 

Hey, thanks for the bug report! Very sorry to hear it won't load, trying to figure out what's going wrong here, but so far I haven't been able to reproduce the issue.

Can you tell me where exactly the game gets stuck? Is it still the "Loading game for the first time" screen, is it a big white pulsing "Loading ..." text or is it the play button not filling up properly? That would already help tracking down where things start to go wrong.

Also, it would be really helpful if you could check if any errors are thrown in your browser console. If you're unsure how to do that, you can open the browser console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I, then try to load the game and watch for anything yellow or red.

Please let me know if something pops up and I'll take another look into it!

(4 edits) (+1)

Hi! Thank for your quick reply! It gets stuck on the big "loading..." In the console, I see this:

Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got '='

[Exception... "Favicon at "" failed to load: Not Found."  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm :: onStopRequest :: line 227"  data: no] FaviconLoader.jsm:227:22

    onStopRequest resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:227

Hey! Still puzzled by this one, and the error seems to be thrown by a different site. I assume it probably is something about permissions, but I honestly have no clue what exactly it could be.

One more thing I thought of: It is possible that the error appears in a normal log message that starts with "Error in main game loop:". Maybe you can find that. Otherwise, I'll have to see if I can find some way to reproduce the bug myself.

Hey again! I pushed an update that might have fixed the bug. Please let me know if it works now :)

I think it may be my firefox. :( Glad you found a potential fix, but until I can fix my mac, I don't think you need to do more on my account. Thank you though!!!!! Drama in my laptop life.

I think my mac needs replacement though. Don't continue on my behalf. :(


Short but one of the best escape games i've recently played.

Here's walkthrough if someone stuck: 


Aw, thank you! And nice job on the walkthrough! :) 


Beat the game with no walkthrough, great game. Only real thing I would change is maybe a way to indicate where you can and cannot zoom into


Can't fill bucket with water, can't open the door, can't see anything else

You'll need to zoom pretty close towards the boat to be able to collect water. Partly because the idea was that you had to "sit" in the boat, partly because of time constraints. Sorry about that!

If you're still stuck, there's a walkthrough in the game's description. Hope that helps :)


Cool little game, it's as a nice atmosphere, great music, the zoom idea is pretty good, but it's hard at the beginning to become familiar with ...

But, it has some negative points : no fullscreen ... come'on we are in 2024, it's unbelievable that we still need to zoom on our browser to just see the game ...

i 've finished the game two times, the first with deduction for the frame number, and the second when I actually discover the worm (yes, it's an hint) and still I have the wood from the windows ... I found a bug too, when you fill your bucket with water, if you do it again some invisible items will add to the inventory ...

I recommend the game, it's fresh and not to difficult.

Thanks !

Thank you for playing and for the detailed feedback!

The wood thing and the bucket thing are definitely logic bugs, guess we once again didn't do enough negative testing, oops. Might fix those after the jam ends.

I can see that the zoom is a little tricky to get used to. I'd love to find a better way to control the zoom without losing the ability to zoom freely. Maybe I'll play around with it after the jam.

Not allowing fullscreen was honestly a stylistic decision. We kind of wanted this game to feel like one of those old flash games (e.g. Submachine). I'll admit I didn't think about ultra-high-resolution screens, but since it's possible to use the browser UI to zoom into the screen as a workaround, I'll probably leave it like this until more players complain about it.

Thanks again for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!


I escaped!  Or did I?


This is INSANE, I love it!